cultural + inclusivity coordinators
A new division focused on improving Equity, Diversity + Inclusivity within the entertainment industry; our consultants exist to monitor situations on set, in the audition room, in rehearsal or anywhere in which underrepresented actors + / or characters are dealing with sensitive issues inclusive of slavery, race, violence against BIPOC, PWD + LGBTQAI+, among other matters. Additionally, BH Coordinators also help check bias + cultural generalizations that often sneak into stories where production teams or writer’s rooms are absent of BIPOC + other underrepresented peoples. Their presence on set helps alleviate the director + other members of production from having to carry the burden of managing space for these important issues while also performing their duties while also providing a space for artists + performers to express any concerns or apprehension. All our liaisons implement Diversity + Inclusivity curriculum specifically + uniquely designed to support entertainment productions + professionals.
BrickHouse provides your team with Accent Coaches to help aid in preparing / coaching actors in pre-production + on set, support for Casting Directors, Directors + Production teams to foster culturally precise + inclusive productions. Our Coaches have mastered coaching dialects + accents in English, Spanish + International languages. We can assess your production needs + make a recommendation of a Coach that complements the needs of your production.
accent + dialect coaches
Narrative script translators
Translating scripts requires a nuanced understanding of cultural + regional context blended with knowledge of storytelling; our team includes colloquialisms + goes beyond a word for word + translation, further benefiting your project. From preparing audition sides to consulting with your writer(s) on Bilingual / Multilingual scripts, BrickHouse collaborates to provide you with culturally sound translations.
consulting services
We are available to lead workshops, as well as to consult on individual productions. Programs are tailored to the needs of the studio +/or production.